As developers arrive at Site B to begin their work day, they log into IBM Rational ClearQuest using its native Windows interface to scan their "to do" lists for new change requests assignments. 当开发者到达SiteB开始他们的工作日时,他们使用本地的Windows界面登陆IBMRationalClearQuest以检查他们的对新变更请求任务的“todo”列表。
Using a single combined log file makes it somewhat simpler to collect and scan data for anomalies when something happens, and to manage the growth and rotation of logs files. 使用单一的组合日志文件可以在发生事件时简化收集和扫描反常情况的数据,并简化管理日志文件的增长和轮替。
Begin LSN specified for replication log scan is invalid. 为复制日志扫描指定的开始lsn无效。
The log record is used to trace the file system changement, combine with the snapshot methord, after power fail only need to scan the flash page which store log record, considering the wear-levelling problem the log record is not stored in fixed area. 日志记录用来跟踪文件系统的变化,与快照方法相结合,掉电后只要扫描存放日志记录的闪存页完成加载,考虑到损耗平衡的问题,日志记录的存储位置并不固定。